Issue No. 4 - A Review of the Recent Recommendations in Québec Supporting the health of survivors of family violence in family law proceedings

May 2021

On November 25, 2020, a Zoom press conference was held to announce funding from the Public Health Agency of Canada for a new project entitled “Supporting the Health of Survivors of Family Violence in Family Law Proceedings.” Led by the University of Western Ontario’s Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children, the project is being conducted in collaboration with the four other members of the Alliance of Canadian Research Centres on Gender-Based Violence. The project aims to develop and support the establishment of communities of practice comprised of family violence experts, survivors, family lawyers, researchers and mental health and social service professionals. It will foster communication, collaboration and build relationships among experts from the family violence and family law sectors. 

Please, see the brief below for more information.

Click here to view the brief Issue No. 4

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